The Giraffe Contrada is one of the seventeen contrades of Siena, located in the Terzo di Camollia. Its emblem is a giraffe carried by a Moor in Arabesque attire; above it, a blue ribbon with the inscription “Umbertus I dedit.” Its colors are white and red in equal parts. The motto of the contrada is “The higher the head, the higher the glory.”
The contrada holds the title of “Imperial” by decree of Victor Emmanuel III, having won the July 1936 Palio dedicated to the Empire. Its belonging Terzo is Camollia. The military company associated with the contrada is San Pietro a Ovile di Sopra. The allied contrades of the giraffe are Civetta, Istrice, and Pantera. The patron saint of the contrada is the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The titular celebration is held on the first Sunday of June. The contrada’s guild is that of painters.
The Giraffe Contrada is one of the oldest contrades in Siena, with a long and rich history. The contrada is deeply cherished by its contradaioli (contrada members), who are always ready to support it in its races at the Palio.